Call for Proposals

The submission deadline is February 16, 2024 at 11:59 PT.

We are seeking proposals for sessions related to agriculture, natural resource management and conservation, traditional knowledge and practices, outdoor exploration, sustainability, and more. Each submission should clearly support community building, career development, and/or skill sharing that is centered on Black peoples in the environmental sciences and arts. We welcome proposals from environmentalists of all kinds including (but not limited to!) activists and organizers, artists and creatives, scholars and students, and professionals at all stages of their career.


Seminar: Up to 6 people can share their knowledge through oral presentations. Seminars with 6 participants will have presentation times that are 12 minutes with 3 minutes for Q&A while presentations with less speakers can be longer.

Panel: A group of 3-5 experts will discuss topics relevant to the conference in front of an audience with time for Q&A. Panels generally last for 60 minutes, but longer panel sessions will be considered. 

Workshop/Skillshare: Learn a new skill or share your own expertise in an interactive, small group environment. Sessions can be 30 minutes - 90 minutes.

Social: Plan a mixer, meet-and-greet, or other event that promotes connections between Black environmentalists.

Excursion: Spend time in nature! Explore the local flora, fauna, and terrain around Washington, DC

Proposal Submission Form